Mixtiles vs Traditional Picture Framing


In this day in age, we’re snapping photos all the time – of our children, our pets, our travels. We all want to preserve memories through photographs. However, taking that next steps of getting your photos on your wall is where the process gets a bit tricky. You have to print your photos on high quality paper (which can get expensive!), find the right size frame (which takes a lot of time!), and then nail your frames on the wall (too much work for me!). Introducing Mixtiles! The company that makes wall art easy and affordable (Look out! For a limited time, Mixtiles is extending a special 20% off to Insider Envy readers!) Keep reading to find out how Mixtiles compare to traditional framing.

Mixtiles are a fraction of the price of traditional picture framing.  Mixtiles are only $11 a picture (and right now they’re offering 20% off!) When it comes to traditional framing, you have to buy photo paper or get your photos printed professionally, both which cost around $10. Then you need to find the right frame, ranging anywhere from $10-80 depending on the quality. This adds up! With Mixtiles, you’ll have beautiful looking framed photos for only $11.

It is WAY easier to put your photos on your wall with Mixtiles. With Mixtiles, you pick the photos you want, and Mixtiles will ship you your tiles ready to hang! From there you just peel and stick the Mixtiles to the wall. The best part is, if you mess up initially or want to move your images around, you can just re-stick them! No more regretted nails in your wall. This process is super easy – we love it!

If you’re looking for the most affordable and easiest way to hang your precious photos on your wall, we definitely recommend Mixtiles! Check it out, and remember that Mixtiles is offering a special 20% off to Insider Envy readers for a limited time!

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by Insider Envy Staff

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