December 11, 2019

Ollie vs. The Farmer’s Dog

We know choosing your dog food can be hard. Especially when you want only the absolute best for your pup.
December 11, 2019

Why Serena Williams Chooses Ollie

Serena William’s recent investment in the miracle dog food Ollie revealed that she doesn’t just fight for women’s rights – she cares about animal welfare too.
December 16, 2019

The Farmer’s Dog Review

After years of our kids begging, my husband and I are finally giving in. We’re getting a dog. A female Rottweiler, to be specific.
December 17, 2019

How Ollie helped this dog lose 40 pounds in 5 months

No one loves dogs quite like Lee Asher. Even as a boy, Lee knew he wanted to help animals.
December 18, 2019

Feeding Your Passion Without Burning Out

Burnout is an epidemic in the modern workplace. Technology has made it increasingly easy for us to be constantly ‘on’ – available through our phones by text, call, email, and an ever-increasing number of communication apps. Sometimes it feels like all we do is work.
December 18, 2019

Mindfulness on the Go

In between the Grande Americanos and the 28 unread Slack messages by 8:00 am, we are living in a world of information overload leading to an excess of stress.
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