15 Must-See Movies According to a Self-Proclaimed Binge-Watcher


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The Movies You Need To Watch ASAP

I’ve been WFH for over 8 weeks (yes, you read that right). As an obsessive binge-watcher, I’ve basically watched every possible thing on Netflix, even shows and movies I would, under normal circumstances, never even consider watching (Tiger King, I’m looking at you).
So, I turned to the only person who I knew wouldn’t steer me in the wrong direction – my cinephile best friend, who’s one of the harshest critics out there. She straight up told me that STARZ is the best streaming service out there for binge-watchers and movie-lovers. I felt obligated to my fellow WFH obsessive binge-watchers to share a list of my favorite must-see movies that neither Netflix, Hulu, nor HBO Go have (or IMO, can even compete with):

This is literally less than 1% of the total content available on STARZ. So, from one binge-watcher to another, you definitely want to get the STARZ App ASAP.

by Insider Envy Staff

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